My Friend Pat

Created by Iris 3 years ago


     I found Pat to be a quiet and peaceful lady who held herself with dignity. She was warm and friendly and over the years we had many rich and rewarding conversations.

However, my first close encounter with Pat was when she helped me work through the grief surrounding the loss of my dad. I know she helped many using her caring counselling skills honed with Crossline and Cruise. She helped me engage with and release hidden emotions, and this was very healing for me.

Pat has endured many battles with fortitude over the last years but she never came across as dismal or hopeless.

Pat’s faith in Jesus shone brightly and was real and down to earth. She had very honest conversations with God and told Him exactly how she felt even if she was fed up with the circumstances of life!

Her beautiful smile and her presence will be greatly missed, but Pat was ready in her soul to go and meet her Saviour, and i love to imagine her in His presence - radiant and free.
